

Who are we ?

Our specialty is to provide expert service to meet your needs.

Founded in 2018, SBW is an independent consultancy company with an international vocation founded by professionals in the fields of business management and technologies, whose job is to help its clients achieve a sustainable competitive advantage through excellence in their operations.

Quality is at the heart of our approach.The human being is at the center of our concerns.Efficiency is our motto.Your business is our priority.


Since our creation, the power of our network has been growing day by day and has been built thanks to you and thanks to the tools and methods that we have developed, tested and refined.


The creation of a relationship of trust with our partners is for us a central point in our philosophy and the human being is the most precious capital of an economy in continuous evolution.


Each subject is treated from start to finish by a single contact to guarantee availability, proximity and a solution adapted to your needs.


We never engage in missions that we cannot take on. Our responsiveness and proximity remains our strength, and each client has an answer adapted to their development and growth objectives.
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